Content Writer

The editors of Writer’s Digest and Writer’s Market state:

“Many magazines that have made cuts in staff are actively looking for freelancers to pick up the slack left by their laid-off employees.”

As a content writer, Lee Cuesta delivers quickly on timely topics.  His turnkey copy requires minimal editing to suit your specific needs, such as space.  Cuesta is an internationally recognized,* award-winning journalist,* whose published articles demonstrate his ability to communicate valuable concepts by telling the stories of the persons and organizations involved.  His journalism degree and foreign experience provide an array of interviewing and research skills, plus a vast network of resources.

His work appears both in print and online.  Click on the “Portfolio” tab above to view the breadth of his qualifications.

His writing business is called, simply, E² —

E² signifies Writing Elegance coupled with Reporting Excellence. Lee Cuesta is deadline-driven; provides fast turnaround; and taps a wide network of sources using multiple interviewing skills. Lee Cuesta also is fully bilingual, offering original articles and copy in either English or Spanish. Lee Cuesta has over 35 years experience; is published internationally; and makes complex topics motivational and practical. Pieces written and published by Lee Cuesta command global response. For complete details, click on the “Portfolio” tab above, along with the “Introductory Letter.” The e-mail address is For links to complete versions of Lee Cuesta’s published work, visit Lee Cuesta’s companion website at

Visit him at LinkedIn.

* Click on Footnotes tab.

A personal note from Lee . . .

You probably have a story to share that is relevant to your industry, or segment of the economy or society. But if you don’t have the time or writing ability to tell it, then please contact me.

The story you want to tell will likely include a business or life principle, such as my articles in InSite magazine (featured on this website).

I will consider your project, and determine if I can assist you. If so, then I will also help research both print and online outlets for your story. You already know many of the appropriate publishing markets, because you read them. I will send queries, write the article, and place your story. And as you can see from my Portfolio on this website, I have proven placement.

So I want to help you write and publish your story, which will not only help others (including potential clients), but also help you build your brand.

My professional performance and decisions derive from this statement:

“My purpose is to accomplish
what otherwise would not get done
unless I do it.”

So if you have a job that no one else can do, then please contact me.
E² means that Lee Cuesta Enterprises and Associates delivers elegance and excellence.
E². Elegance X Excellence = Global Response.